This is just a personal cheat sheet for getting a fresh Linux installation up and running to match my workflow.

Favorite Distros:

In my experience these distros have the cleanest UX out of the box, require minimal customization, and have broad compatibility with hardware and software. Development of Solus has slowed and of these choices it has the most limited selection of compatible applications, but I still love it and hope it gets back on track. Zorin (Ubuntu based) and Ultramarine (Fedora based) are both really polished from top to bottom. Arco (Arch based) is really fun if you want to tinker with various desktop environments and window managers. If gaming is a priority, I've had great experience with Nobara (Fedora based) and PopOS (Ubuntu based).

Linux Distributions
solus ultramarine zorin-os arcolinux
Solus Ultramarine Zorin Arco

App Downloads:

Flaptak Apps:

List of apps I use and recommend. Command to install them all at once is below

net.ankiweb.Anki org.signal.Signal md.obsidian.Obsidian com.brave.Browser
Anki Signal Obsidian Brave
com.tutanota.Tutanota org.flameshot.Flameshot com.obsproject.Studio me.kozec.syncthingtk
Tutanota Flameshot Obs Studio Syncthing
org.kde.krita org.inkscape.Inkscape org.gimp.GIMP org.gnome.Shotwell
Krita Inkscape Gimp Shotwell
com.valvesoftware.Steam com.github.micahflee.torbrowser-launcher com.transmissionbt.Transmission org.audacityteam.Audacity
Steam Tor Browser Transmission Audacity
com.anydesk.Anydesk com.jetbrains.PyCharm-Community us.zoom.Zoom org.videolan.VLC
AnyDesk PyCharm Zoom VLC
com.discordapp.Discord org.gtkhash.gtkhash com.github.IsmaelMartinez.teams_for_linux com.github.joseexposito.touche
Discord GTK Hash Teams Touché
flatpak install net.ankiweb.Anki org.kde.krita org.signal.Signal inkscape org.gimp.GIMP md.obsidian.Obsidian syncthingy gtkhash anydesk zoom flameshot com.discordapp.Discord com.obsproject.Studio brave org.torproject.torbrowser-launcher touche com.notesnook.Notesnook io.github.ferraridamiano.ConverterNOW org.gnome.Shotwell -y 

The -y flag will automatically say YES to any confirmation prompts during install

Flatpak Theme Fix:

Major pet peeve of mine is when the theme applied to some application windows do not match the theme applied to others. Below is a really simple way to resolve this issue when related to Flatpak applications.

./stylepak install-system
./stylepak install-user

Adding Flatpak to startup applications (manual):

Example of launching Syncthing (a very useful program) at boot, with a -m flag to specify that I want it to start "minimized."


flatpak run me.kozec.syncthingtk -m

Flatpak desktop launchers:

Should you need to modify or create a desktop launcher file for a Flatpak app. For instances when you install a Flatpak application but it isn't visible from your application list. Files can be located in the path below.


Flatpak install errors:

"User flatpak does not exist in password file entryWarning: Failed to get revokefs-fuse socket from system-helper:"

sudo useradd -c "Flatpak Daemon Owner" -d /usr/bin/flatpak -s /bin/false flatpak

Mullvad Service (Arch, Solus, etc):

sudo systemctl enable mullvad-daemon.service
sudo systemctl start mullvad-daemon.service

Gnome Extensions:

Manual Installation:

  • Download ZIP
  • Extract to /home/YOUR_USER_NAME/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/RENAME_ME/ #create it if it doesn't exist
  • Open the file metadata.json
  • Find the UUID (copy what is within the quotation marks)
  • Rename the RENAME_ME folder to match the UUID (paste from clipboard)
  • Reboot

Openbox, Xfce, etc HiDPI settings:

Enable fractional scaling in Gnome

gsettings set org.gnome.mutter experimental-features "['scale-monitor-framebuffer']"

Force scaling on native app

Modify the laucher command to include the following (e.g. 1.75% scaling)


For example Steam command would look like:

/usr/bin/steam -forcedesktopscaling=1.75 %U

Arch AUR Helper:

sudo pacman -S yay


ERROR: One or more PGP signatures could not be verified! FAILED (unknown public key MISSING_KEY)

gpg --recv-keys MISSING_KEY

IF the above fails try...

gpg --keyserver --recv-key MISSING_KEY  

*Might require modifying /etc/resolv.conf by adding:

nameserver # Cloudflare


Trouble mounting NFS share on Fedora based systems:

"unknown file type" error in Gnome Files

sudo dnf install gvfs-nfs

Trouble mounting NFS share on Solus:

"permission denied: perhaps this host is disallowed or a privileged port is needed" error Need to ensure the mount point (folder) exists on local host, then manually mount the NFS share specifying nfs v3.

sudo mkdir /mnt/storage
sudo mount -t nfs -o nfsvers=3 /mnt/storage

If you don't know the export details on your NFS server (e.g. try:

showmount -e

Permanently mount an NFS share to a folder

sudo nano /etc/fstab

Paste the following at the bottom of the file, save, and reboot.

# host:/remote/export  /local/directory   nfs defaults   0 0  /mnt/storage nfs defaults 0 0